A service for expectant or parenting young mothers and fathers

The Young Parents Support Programme -YPSP for short – is a support service for young mothers, fathers and their families from pregnancy and right through the first 1000 days of the child’s life.

About the YPSP

The Young Parents Support Programme -YPSP for short – is a support service for young mothers, fathers and their families from pregnancy and right through the first 1000 days of the child’s life.

We offer support, information and advocacy in all areas of a young parent’s life including health, relationships, parenting, child care, social welfare entitlements, education, training and anything else about which the mother or father is concerned.

This support can be tailored and delivered in a way that best suits the individual needs of each young parent. For more information on the type of supports that are available please go to our Support page.

Currently there are 7 projects supporting young parents across 11 counties; Kildare, Sligo/Leitrim/West Cavan, Westmeath/Longford, Clare, Carlow/Kilkenny, Louth and Donegal. To find out if there is a Young Parents Support Programme in your area go to – Where to find a YPSP.
There are also Teen Parents Support Programmes available in counties; Dublin (in certain areas); Wexford, Limerick, Cork, and Galway. Go to www.tpsp.ie to contact Teen Parents Support Programmes who offer support for young parents in these areas, for those under 20 years of age.

Stories from the TPSP Booklet

This beautiful little booklet is a shout-out to all the amazing parents who participated in the Teen Parents Support Programme over the past 25 years! A big high-five to the staff who stood by these young parents and their children, along with all the integral individuals who helped shape the development of the TPSP.

Inside, you’ll find heartwarming case studies and testimonials straight from the project staff and young parents. Don’t worry, everyone’s identities are safely tucked away to keep things under wraps!

We hope you enjoy reading.