About the Young Parents Support Programme

The type of support you will get will depend on your own individual needs and the needs of your child.

For example, you may need:

  • To talk about how your pregnancy is affecting you and your relationships with those around you – such as the other parent of your child and your own parents
  • Support to take care of yourself and your baby both before and after the birth help to adjust to your new roles and responsibilities as a parent
  • Help to understand how your child is developing and what you can do to make sure he or she is healthy, happy and safe information about your rights and responsibilities as a father or a mother
  • Information and support about your welfare rights and entitlements including accommodation
  • Encouragement and support to remain in or return to education/training – if that is your choice
  • Support as a young father to get your rights in relation to your child and to have contact with him/her
  • Contact with other young parents in your area.

The YPSP project worker will know the other supports and services for parents like you in your area, and, if you wish they can put you in touch with them, talk to them on your behalf or introduce you to them.

  • Are you under 24 years of age?
  • Are you expecting a baby?
  • Do you already have a child?

The young parents support programme – YPSP for short – is a family support service for young people who are pregnant or parenting. Support is also available for partners and those family members who play an important part in your life. This support service is free and confidential.

  • You can contact the YPSP directly or anyone interested in your well-being, or the well-being of your child, may make contact on your behalf.

A project worker will meet you to discuss your needs and concerns and will support you to deal with them as far as possible. You can meet the project worker on your own, as a couple, with a member of your family or anyone who is supporting you. Meetings may take place in your own home, at the YPSP office or wherever you feel comfortable.

You will be supported in a way that best suits your individual needs and the needs of your child. This may be on a one-to-one basis, through group activities or by putting you in contact with other sources of support.